DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid has two strands moving in opposite directions consists of the biological information. It lies in the nucleons of body cell, a human body is composed of trillion of cells. Hereditary information can be transferred from DNA. Behavior, feelings and attitude of a person depends on the information stored in the human DNA. Researches had shown that only 2% of DNA are coded and rest of the 98% is non-coded, still a big mystery for scientists. Disease issues in parents can be transferred to their children because of the information stored in the DNA can be passed on easily. What if one can change these genetic patterns by changing the biological information stored in these DNA strands. Yes, it is possible to break these genetic patterns like disease, addictions, anger, and emotional sensitivity by changing the stored information.
Activating the DNA to our full potential raises our vibration and removes the limitations owing to the so called Karmic patterns or destiny.
We can change the data in the DNA which comprises of the old information or the already existing one and the new information that goes on being added with every thought and action the karmic patterns are remodeled. In turn the Life situations are altered. Thus, the process of healing gets completed as and when both the sources of information to DNA are managed and activated.
We offer a graded program to meet the requirements of a complete DNA Activation for a renewed remodeled life plan. Activation is done through the ultimate Creative source and is complete on all levels of existence and all facets of being: individual, social, financial, spiritual thus improving everything; health wealth and harmony with self and divine. Here is our offering for the dna activation which is available online in the form of a series of webinars and if required one to one interactions after procedural booking.